Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is the oil that has been
certified as amazing oil and very healthy in this world. We all know that VCO
in nature is raw oil. The properties of this oil actually limit its use
primarily to provide a therapeutic effect of the internal body. It is also to
some extent influence the impact on the use of topical or external body. Many
people cannot swallow raw oil; some people do not like the scent of the coconut
Now with a new innovation, VCO can be manipulated
into an emulsion that has the properties
of solubility in water. As we know that the human body contains 70% water,
then with the nature of the emulsion VCO
will facilitate the absorption and digestion process.
Emulsion VCO is a functional food that is more 'versatile' as
it can easily be used internally or externally with the addition of flavours
and active ingredients which are allowed in the diet.
All materials used in the processing of quality and purity is
guaranteed by the suppliers who are registered and have a business practice
status 'Halal' authorization by Malaysian government. (JAKIM)
Emulsion VCO contains:
- Lauric acid
- Monolaurin
- Short and moderate chain saturated fat
- Vitamin
- Minerals
- Phytosterols
VCO processing methods emulsion
VCO produced through fermentation process, process which was
carried out without heating and using chemicals resulting clean oil up after
Then VCO are blended with a permitted flavouring together with
organic emulsifiers and active ingredients (herbs, etc.) for the final process.
After extensive reaction is complete, the emulsion VCO will become clear and
VCO Emulsion turned into Nano (Nano-Emulsion). This processing method has been patented
under the intellectual property of Malaysia.
Generally VCO has many health benefits for humans and in
short it can:
- Can control Diabetes, Hypertension and the risk of heart disease.
- Have a natural ability and their properties as an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti parasitic and help to control diseases.
- VCO acts as an effective skin moisturiser help slow the ageing process, increase elasticity of the skin and treating skin diseases.
- VCO can produce natural energy and increases the metabolic rate, which can reduce weight.
- VCO can reduce hair problems like hair loss, dandruff and lice and nits.
- VCO will help to improve immune system which can protect the body from cancers such as colon cancer and breast cancer.
- VCO also have an anti-oxidants properties.
For any inquiries
please email to
ina.neutra @
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