Monday, 18 April 2016

There is A Cure for Arthritis

By Dr. Bruce Fife

“I have had chronic pain for 10 years,” says Barbara Moody of Redmond, Washington. “Because of the pain I had to end my career as a firefighter.” She also was an avid rock climber and runner, but had to give those up too. Barbara suffered from arthritis in her knees and back with accompanying nerve involvement in her feet. Walking summoned pain with every step. Over the years she endured four back surgeries and a spinal fusion. Despite medications and surgeries, her condition continued to worsen. Doctors recommended a fifth surgery and second fusion.
Conventional treatments for arthritis rely on drugs and surgery to calm inflammation and deaden pain. Doctors have yet to fully understand what causes arthritis. Treatment consists of trying to ease symptoms. This approach may help reduce the pain and discomfort temporarily, but does nothing to stop the progression of the disease.
Although arthritis can occur at almost any age, the risk of developing this degenerative disease increases as we get older. Many doctors consider it an unavoidable part of the aging process. They give their patients pain killers and tell them to “learn to live with it.”
Over the years many theories have been proposed as to the cause of arthritis including food allergies, genetics, trauma, and infection. As the evidence mounts it is becoming evident that arthritis occurs primarily as a consequence of infection. Researchers have identified numerous bacteria, viruses, and fungi with all the forms of arthritis. The disease can be triggered by almost any type of infection, such as the flu, a urinary tract infection, or even candidiasis. The most common cause, however, appears to be from infected teeth and gums. Bacteria from oral infections can easily filter into the bloodstream and cause secondary infections in the joints.
If arthritis is caused by microorganisms then you might think the solution would be simple—antibiotics! While antibiotics can help with the systemic condition, they often have little effect on the joints. One of the reasons for this is that joints do not have a blood supply like other organs. Our joints are encased in a tough protective membrane. Blood cannot pass through this membrane, but bacteria can. Consequently, joints make a good hiding place for them.
Without blood circulation, white blood cells and antibiotics are less effective in fighting off invasion. If the infection is caused by a virus or fungus, antibiotics are completely useless. Chronic infection in the joints can cause arthritis during or immediately after an illness or it may not show up for months or years. Infections can flair up whenever the body is put under stress. Therefore, people with no apparent symptoms or who have only a mild case of arthritis can go alone fine without problem and then suddenly be hit was an attack of arthritis pain. Triggers can be anything that stresses the body such as poor diet, allergies, illness, excessive physical or emotional stress, exposure to toxins, and even aging.
If antibiotics are of little value in combating the arthritic infections what can be done? Knowing what causes arthritis provides a key to understanding the cure. The book The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain Permanently outlines several important steps you must take to overcome this crippling disease, stop the pain, and restore flexibility and motion.
The first step is to build up your immune system so it can more effectively fight off chronic infection. The primary way to do this is by dietary modification. In fact, a poor diet is a major contributing factor to the development of arthritis. A lack of good nutrition depresses immune function allowing infection to spread and migrate into joint tissues. A diet consisting of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, organic meat, eggs, and dairy and the reduction or elimination of overly processed foods is a must. Sweets and refined carbohydrates are the worst offenders. They contain little nutritional value, deplete essential nutrients during metabolism, and feed oral and intestinal microorganisms that cause most of the trouble.
The second step is to actively fight off the infection within the body and the joints. Antibiotics have only a limited ability. They cannot fight viruses, fungi, or drug resistant bacteria. However, there is a natural product that can. That product is coconut oil. Unlike any other dietary oil, coconut oil is composed predominately of a unique group of fat molecules known as medium chain fatty acids. These fatty acids possess potent antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral activity. Taking 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil daily, with meals can help rid your body of chronic infection.
The third step is to address your oral health. Since the vast majority of arthritis cases involve oral infections, this is an essential step. If you have any known dental issues you need to get them taken care of.  Regular tooth brushing, flossing, and the use of mouthwash are not enough to remove infection and keep it out. Many people with good oral hygiene habits still get infections. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 90 percent of the population has some level of tooth decay. So apparently these methods aren’t working. What does work is a process called oil pulling. Oil pulling is basically rinsing your mouth with vegetable oil, much like you would a mouthwash. However, in this case you would rinse your mouth for 15-20 minutes at a time at least once daily, before breakfast. After breakfast you would brush your teeth as normal. The oil attracts and collects the microorganisms in your mouth along with toxins, mucous, and pus. After swishing the oil in your mouth for the allotted time, spit it out, then rinse your mouth with water. Your mouth will feel clean and refreshed. There are other steps described in the book, but these are the most crucial.

Barbara, who was mentioned at the beginning of this article, followed these steps. “Here are the results I have noticed so far,” she says after only four weeks. “Reversed documented nerve impingement and foot drop. Reversed documented osteoarthritis of my spine and knees. Avoided my fifth spine surgery and threatened second fusion. Restored my ability to exercise. I am able to walk down a flight of stairs without pain, limping or gimping. I can also walk two miles without knee pain!…My prior problems were well documented with MRI and PET scans that showed nerve impingement, lack of ankle reflex and foot drop (inability to heel walk), inability to resist downward pressure on my great toe and foot. Then only four weeks later, I had a perfectly normal EMG; I could heal walk; and I had a normal ankle reflex and good toe, foot, and ankle strength. The fact that this was so well documented, my doctors were completely amazed.” A diagnosis of arthritis is not a life sentence. There now is a cure for arthritis.  ■

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Coconut Oil Touted as Alzheimer's Remendy


Alternative Brain Fuel
In this case, insulin problems prevent brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, they eventually die.
But there is an alternative fuel -- ketones, which cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after you eat medium chain triglycerides, found in coconut oil.
Dr. Newport added coconut oil to her husband Steve's diet. Just two weeks later, he took the clock test again and demonstrated stunning improvement.
"I thought at the time, was it just good luck? Was it a lot of prayer? Was it the coconut oil?" she said. "And I thought, well, we're going to keep the coconut oil going."
Three weeks later, Steve took the clock test a third time and continued to perform better on it. And it wasn't just intellectually, he also improved emotionally and physically.
"He was not able to run. He was able to run again," she recalled. "He could not read for about a year and a half, but after two or three months he was able to read."
"Instead of being very sluggish, not talking very much in the morning, he would come out in the morning with energy, talkative, and joking, and he could find his water and his utensils," Dr. Newport said.
She documented Steve's success in a book titled, Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was A Cure? Dr. Newport received many "thank you" letters from people whose loved ones were suffering from Alzheimer's. Each of the letters claimed their family member was helped after they followed Steve's diet.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Tumor promotion by dietary fat in azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in female F344 rats

Tumor promotion by dietary fat in azoxymethane-induced colon carcinogenesis in female F344 rats: influence of amount and source of dietary fat.


The promoting effect of dietary corn oil (CO), safflower oil (SO), olive oil (OO), coconut oil (CC), and medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) on azoxymethane (AOM)-induced colon tumors was studied in female F344 rats. The animals were fed low-fat diets containing 5% CO, 5% SO, or 5% OO 2 weeks before, during, and 1 week after sc injection of 20 mg AOM/kg body weight.
One week after the AOM treatment, groups of animals were transferred to high-fat diets containing 23.52% CO, 23.52% SO, 23.52% OO, and 23.52% CC, or 5.88% CO + 17.64% MCT; the remaining animals were continued on 5% fat diets. All animals were fed these diets until the termination of the experiment.
Body weights and intakes of calories, protein, and micronutrients were comparable among the various dietary groups. The incidence of colon tumors was increased in rats fed diets containing high-CO and high-SO compared to those fed low-CO and low-SO diets, whereas the diets containing high OO, CC, or MCT had no promoting effect on colon tumor incidence.
There was a significant increase in the excretion of fecal deoxycholic acid, lithocholic acid, and 12-ketolithocholic acid in animals fed the high-CO and high-SO diets and no difference in these secondary bile acids excretion in animals fed the high-OO and high-CC diets compared to those animals fed their respective 5% fat diets.
This study thus indicates that not only the amount of dietary fat but also the fatty acid composition (type) of fat are important factors in the determination of the promoting effect in colon carcinogenesis.


Tuesday, 1 March 2016

R.J Experiences

I have been diagnosed with AIDS. I knew for a long time that I was sick but was in denial. The evidence of my sickness happened when I was getting boils daily. When the body would fight one infection another would appear. I had trouble maintaining my weight.
I was in constant pain from infections. My skin was losing color. I was becoming pale. I had severe acne. The HIV virus practically stopped my body from healing. I would bleed easily. I was tired all the time. I had to drink a lot of coffee and take vitamins just to feel normal. Then my body told me that my end was near.
My uncle took HIV drugs and they did not help him at all. I think the HIV drugs he took helped him die faster. I was not going to help the pharmaceutical companies get rich, and I was not going to a HIV doctor that was going to tell me that there is no hope for me.
I read an article about a Filipino teenager or young man that had AIDS and could not afford HIV drugs. The Filipino doctor told him to take coconut oil. The young man’s health improved over time and his viral load is dropping.
I tried it. I have taken the coconut oil since August of 2009 and in the month of November of 2009 I no longer have daily infections and my skin has cleared up significantly. My skin color is returning back to normal. I don’t need to take two hour naps anymore.
I found out that castor oil complements coconut oil. I take 6 teaspoons of coconut oil and1 teaspoon of castor oil twice a day. The castor oil seems to boost the coconut oil’s ability to fight viruses. I thank God for the Internet, if it wasn’t for this website and the Internet I would be dead. Doctors don’t practice medicine, they practice drugs. I want to add red palm oil to my regimen to see if my health will improve at a greater rate. I believe that coconut oil, castor oil, and maybe palm oil will complement each other. My theory is that coconut oil destroys viruses floating in the blood stream. Castor oil stops the viruses from copying in infected cells. Palm oil has carotene and other anti-free radical chemicals. That is why I believe that these three oils will accelerate the healing process of sick people.

* CnP from CRC

Monday, 22 February 2016

VCO in Health and Disease


  • Read at the XXXVII Cocotech Meeting Chennai, India. July 25, 2000
  • Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology University of the Philippines                                                                                                     Past President. Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies                                                                                                 Past President, National Academy of Science and Technology. Philippines 


The coconut is called the tree of life for it has been providing us, humans, food and drink, materials for housing, fuel and many industrial uses. And its medicinal uses are many and varied. The latest medical potential of products of the coconut first identified by Jon Kabara and others in the 70s, is the anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal activity of its medium chain fatty acids, particularly lauric acid (C12:0) in its monoglyceride form (monolaurin or ML).

The first clinical trial ever of ML was on 15 HIV-infected patients reporting regularly at the San Lazaro Hospital, Manila who, never having received any anti-HIV medication, were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups: 7.2 g ML, 2.4 g ML and 50 ML of coconut oil daily for 6 months. The San Lazaro Hospital Team was led by Eric Tayag.

 Viral, CD4 and CDS counts, complete blood counts, blood lipids and tests for liver and kidney functions were done at the beginning of the study and after 3 and 6 months of treatment. In one patient, the viral load was too low to count.

By the 3rd month, 7 of the patients (50%) showed reduced viral load and by the 6th month 8 patients (2 receiving 7.2h ML, 4 receiving 2.4 g ML and 3 receiving, coconut oil had a lowered viral count. The CD4/CD8 counts showed a favorable increase in 5 patients. There were no serious side effects observed.

Three patients developed AIDS on 3rd month of therapy when their CD4 count dropped below 200. One of these three, who was in the coconut oil group. died 2 weeks after the study. The two other AIDS patients were in the 2.4 g ML group; one recovered fully on the 6th month and the other showed a rapid return towards normal CD4 and CD8 counts.