Alternative Brain Fuel
In this case, insulin problems prevent brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, they eventually die.
But there is an alternative fuel -- ketones, which cells easily accept. Ketones are metabolized in the liver after you eat medium chain triglycerides, found in coconut oil.
Dr. Newport added coconut oil to her husband Steve's diet. Just two weeks later, he took the clock test again and demonstrated stunning improvement.
"I thought at the time, was it just good luck? Was it a lot of prayer? Was it the coconut oil?" she said. "And I thought, well, we're going to keep the coconut oil going."
Three weeks later, Steve took the clock test a third time and continued to perform better on it. And it wasn't just intellectually, he also improved emotionally and physically.
"He was not able to run. He was able to run again," she recalled. "He could not read for about a year and a half, but after two or three months he was able to read."
"Instead of being very sluggish, not talking very much in the morning, he would come out in the morning with energy, talkative, and joking, and he could find his water and his utensils," Dr. Newport said.
She documented Steve's success in a book titled, Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was A Cure? Dr. Newport received many "thank you" letters from people whose loved ones were suffering from Alzheimer's. Each of the letters claimed their family member was helped after they followed Steve's diet.
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